A senior citizen can be defined as an elderly person especially someone who is retired. As a person grows old he/she can face some problems, can get more dependent, and can also become a burden on others. It is seen that children are not able to take care of their aged parents and due to which they end up leaving them in an old age home.

As people get dependent as they grow old or become senior citizens they require someone in many ways and there are many ways and many people which could be proved as help for senior citizens. Senior citizens can be helped in two ways which can be helping themselves or seeking help from someone else.
When it comes to seeking help from someone else there are many old aged homes, shelter homes, and helping organizations which help the senior citizens to deal with the problems they face and give them space where they can live. Pushpanjalii is one of those non-profit making organizations located in Jaipur, Rajasthan which gives shelter to the old-aged people and helps to deal with different problems faced by them. It is suggested that senior citizens should help themselves instead of seeking help from anyone else by doing this they will not become a burden for anyone else. The ways which could be proved as help for senior citizens or the ways in which Pushpanjalii helps senior citizens are:

- People can face difficulties as they grow old they can face difficulties doing work like household work, shopping, office work, driving, etc. Pushpanjalii solves these problems by providing house help to people, providing maids to people.
- Whether a person is young or old he/she should always take care of their health, go for regular medical check-ups. Pushpanjalii provides regular medical check-ups and health check-ups to senior citizens.
- As mentioned earlier Pushpanjalii provides shelter or a proper place to live for senior citizens. As a person grows old the place where he/she is living is really important. The person is living in an urban area or the rural area, he/she gets fresh air around them or not, he/she can get help from others in an emergency situation or not, he/she is living alone or is living with family and many more.
- Growing old can lead to people losing their jobs, not able to work as they used to work earlier, it is suggested that people should keep patience, should not panic, and try to find new opportunities, try to do something new. Pushpanjalii helps people by providing new work opportunities that help people to earn and also keep people busy.
- People should talk to their family and friends about the problems they are facing, seeking any kind of help if they want, as they are growing old. Pushpanjalii makes people meet other people of their age which will help the senior citizens to socialize with others.
These were the ways in which senior citizens can use themselves, take care of themselves, and the ways which Pushpanjalii uses to help the senior citizens. Therefore, these are the ways by which senior citizens can help themselves and can also seek help from others professionally as well as personally.